Henry John BolesznyCurriculum Vitae |
Copyright NoticeStandard Copyright Notice | Scripts & Codes | PDF Downloads Site launched & copyrighted © Henry John Boleszny
2000. All material on this site is copyright © 2000 Henry John Boleszny, excluding any graphics and code that are known to be "public domain". Please ask for written permission before using anything from this site. I rarely refuse a polite request but am known to pursue infringements on my copyright to the full extent permissible by law.
Some codes & scripts are not public domain. It is essential that you obtain permission before using any code on this site. This requirement is to protect both you and myself from expensive litigation. The browser re-direction script used on the Introductory page is used courtesy of Kehvan M Zydek. He appreciates accolades and requests to use the script while admitting that he based it on several similar codes. The "Last modified" script was written by Bernhard Friedrich. As far as I know, it is public domain and freely distributed. Some pages use additional scripting to that mentioned above. Please contact Henry John Boleszny regarding copyright to any code (if present). Polite requests are rarely refused.
This site includes several CVs in pdf format. They are provided for the sole purpose of assisting employers in matching my skills to available positions. Employers may download and store a copy on their computers. They may also print off single copies for their files. However, the design and style may not be replicated or otherwise reproduced without my express permission. I am already aware of several people who have taken my ideas and are copying them. I do not object to people who find my work useful - I just object to them receiving monetary gain while ignoring the source. I also object to other people who "borrow" my work and claim it as their own. Therefore, anyone found to be in breach of my copyright will be pursued to fullest extent of the law. |